Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Writer's World Wednesday-Research

Ahhh...research.  If I could be a research assistant for a famous writer, that would be my dream job.  I love research.  Put me in a dusty library or send me on a field trip to take pictures any day.  Love that part.

In addition to on-line research, nothing beats good, old-fashioned books.  I always check out a whole bunch and then find one or two which are gold mines.  Out of this stack, my best ones are: Land Rush of 1889, The Germans in Oklahoma, and Women Who Pioneered Oklahoma.  The bottom one is actually a German cookbook.  My heroine makes a mean Apfelstruedel, and God has blessed me with a couple of first generation German women who are helping me with recipes and language. Irmgard loaned me her recipe book with blue duct tape holding the binding together.  Ingrid has helped with language questions.  When the novella comes out, if you are paying attention, you'll notice my small tribute to each of these ladies.

As for field trips, stayed tuned.

Until next time,


  1. Becca - I came here to look through your artwork, but when I saw that you're a writer, I had to check this out. I'm a huge reader (I'd probably be more interested in doing research for a writer than actually being one ;) I am so excited to hear about your life as an author - thank you so much for sharing! I hope I get a chance to read your book - I'm assuming you'll keep us posted when it's out and where we can get it.

    1. Thanks, Morgan. I'm pretty excited myself. Yes, I will absolutely be keeping you all up to date on the release of the book. It's scheduled for January of 2015. I just found out the names of the other authors in the collections--there are nine of us in total. More on that to come! :)

  2. Hi Becca, I love hearing about your writing process! I have been helping my beloved husband with book research, so I have a small idea of how wonderful that can be! Like finding an Easter egg! Hugs!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. You bless me!