Ask any author about Writer's Block. It's that dreaded condition where--particularly under deadline--you stare at the screen and words won't come. They simply will NOT come. With my first novella now under contract, I have been staring at my screen and pulling words out of my brain with the same painstaking (and painful) care as a dentist pulling teeth. While there are as many cures for this condition as their are authors, I decided to try my favorite one first: Chocolate!
The "prescription" reads: Take 2 pills per hour until cured
This was a very fast and easy project. I cut a 2 1/8 x 6 inch strip of Skylark paper which already had the label area pre-printed, hand wrote my prescription, and used Bonding Memories Glue to adhere it around a McCormick spice jar. I had washed the jar and peeled off any bits of the packaging label from McCormick but still had enough left to which the Bonding Memories Glue could adhere.
For the top of the jar, I popped out one of the flowers from the Skylark Complements, filed down the edges with a Sanding Kit (not included in new consultant kit), and used Liquid Glass to adhere it to the lid. Even better, the lid is one for cinnamon sticks which has a large hole as opposed to the small, sprinkling type holes. Makes it easy to pop a pill as needed.
Although this project doesn't take advantage of the free Cricut collection which comes as a bonus when you sign up as a consultant this month, it would certainly be a great way to welcome a new team member who might be worried about Artist's Block. The same cure applies!
Until next time,

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